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Datacentre power tests scheduled for 26 to 28 October

13th October 2017

The datacentre in which our servers are located has sent us the following advisory:

Starting on the 26th October [2017], we will be performing our annual black building test where we simulate a mains power failure to the building. This maintenance period covers a 3 day window where we will have engineers performing pre-tests, the main generator test itself, and finally post-test checks to ensure that everything worked as expected.

We do not expect any problems or outages, however this period should be considered at-risk as there will be contractors and engineers on-site as well as transitions to and from generator power.

The maintenance is scheduled to take place between 0800 and 1600 BST. In line with this message, we do not expect there to be any interruption to web or email services. However, services are classed as “at risk” for the three days during which tests are being performed.

Starting on the 26th October, we will be performing our annual black building test where we simulate a mains power failure to the building. This maintenance period covers a 3 day window where we will have engineers performing pre-tests, the main generator test itself, and finally post-test checks to ensure that everything worked as expected.

We do not expect any problems or outages, however this period should be considered at-risk as there will be contractors and engineers on-site as well as transitions to and from generator power.